Category: Music & Video | Version: 2.7.0
Developer: FuzzDota | Size: 12.78MB | Updated:06-6
If you feel that switching media source in your car, wireless speaker, or even AUX cable just to play that one song your buddy has been suggesting is a drag, this app is just what you're looking for.
MadDJ is a perfect application for road trips, carpooling, parties, and Uber/Lyft rides. This application allows you and your friends to queue up music and video to a nearby host device without being on the same network. You will also be able to control media playback actions such as play, pause, and skip remotely.
For a more secured connection, the application offers PIN Access and Verified User modes. With PIN Access enabled, only requests made with a correct PIN code are accepted. Verified User mode is capable of filtering out requests made by anonymous users .
For requirements, all devices must:
- Have internet connection
- Are capable of sending/receiving audio and Bluetooth signals.
- Are within 20 ft.
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