Food Conga

Food Conga

Category: Android Games / Arcade Games | Version: 1.0.1
Developer: Mokuni LLC | Size: 30MB | Updated:08-23
Welcome to Food Conga! Your job is simple: collect matching food to form an edible conga line and lead them to your hungry patrons! Successfully completed orders will help you earn rewards, The longer your conga line, the bigger your reward!
Choose from a crazy cast of culinary characters to navigate around town: from sushi chefs to burger maestros to undead pirates. Take on the most challenging orders, unlock new themed restaurants, evolve your food collection, and dance your way into your customer's hearts as you supply food into their tummies!
- Totally adorbz food friends
- Explosively super powerups
- Bears wearing bee costumes
- Quests that will challenge your conga skills
- Zany enemies and zippy obstacles
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