Android Apk » Personalization » Xeus Twilight CM12/PA Theme
Xeus Twilight CM12/PA Theme

Xeus Twilight CM12/PA Theme

Category: Personalization | Version: 1.0.1
Developer: SEVEN | Size: 19.32MB | Updated:03-18
Twilight is the latest edition in the Xeus series, unifying a collision between black and orange, designed with shape, precision and style.
This theme is compatible with all ROM's that are using the new Cyanogenmod 12 Theme Engine, and is optimized to work on XXX-HDPI, XX-HDPI and X-HDPI screens.
Check your density here:
Change the keyboard theme to Dark Material to use the themed Xeus Twilight Keyboard!
What's modified and themed:
* Framework
* SystemUI
* Boot Animation
* Keyboard
* Settings
* Dialer
* Contacts
* Camera
* AudioFx
* Messenger (SMS)
* Calculator
* Gallery
* Clock Widget
* Fonts
* Lockscreen
* Wallpaper
* Ringtone
* Music
Weekly updates released.
Upcoming Updates:
* Whatsapp
* Facebook Messenger
* Icons
Please email us at [email protected] in case you have issues with the theme.
In case only certain elements have themed, please reboot the phone and re-apply the theme if it isn't.

Download Link

Xeus Twilight CM12/PA Theme Screenshots

Xeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA ThemeXeus Twilight CM12/PA Theme

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