Android Apk » Productivity » Abstractin


Category: Productivity | Version: 0.2.1
Developer: Martin Mach | Size: 1.11MB | Updated:01-18
Abstractin v0.2.1 " Experimental
(This version is experimental. It is definitely not stable)
This is Abstractin. It is an application that allows you to draw even without touching display of your smartphone.
How it works
Camera is processing pixels, it takes current frame and compares it to last frame of pixels, pixels that are marked as different one from another serve as your brush. It sounds strange but it really is straight forward process.
Drawing process
1.) Start application (Menu Screen)
2.) Place your smartphone on a flat surface
3.) Choose color using (Red, Green, Blue) bars
4.) Choose power of brush using (Power) bar
5.) Touch Start Drawing button (Drawing Screen)
6.) While counter is ticking, you can draw without effect (this is a way how to check where is your brush)
7.) Drawing starts as soon counter is 0
8.) If you are done drawing this color, touch the screen, it will get you to Menu Screen once again

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Abstractin Screenshots


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